Witamy na stronie Zarządu Dróg i Transportu Miejskiego w Lublinie

Ticket types

Tickets > Ticket types

Ticket types

Local public transport services commissioned by the Public Transport Authority in Lublin shall be paid on the basis of:

1) single-ride tickets
, i.e. tickets entitling the possessor to a single ride on any route, at a maximum distance from the first to the last stop on the route, without the option of changing the vehicle, valid from the moment of validation; failure to produce it during ticket inspection disqualifies you from making any complaints;

2) time-limited tickets, i.e. tickets entitling the possessor to multiple rides on any routes, with the option of changing vehicles, within a time limit specified on the ticket, calculated from the moment of validation.

3) season tickets – i.e. tickets entitling to multiple rides for which they were purchased in the validity period specified at the moment of purchase; the following types of season tickets are distinguished:
- personalised tickets, which may be used by the person whose personal data is printed on the ticket,
- bearer tickets, which may be used by any person; failure to produce a bearer ticket during inspection disqualifies you from making any complaints;

4) family tickets, i.e. – tickets for multi-children families, with permanent residence in Lublin under a common address, with at least four children, biological or adopted, aged up to 18 years or up to the age of 25 - if they continue their education, in the case of disabled children - without any age limit. The ticket can be used by any member of the family whose details are presented on the ticket, to travel individually or with other entitled members of the family. Each member of a multi-children family is entitled to receive one copy of a family ticket. The ticket is valid for 12 consecutive full months, and should be purchased in presales or on the first day of a given calendar month marking the commencement of the ticket’s validity;

5) tourist tickets - which means electronic tickets encoded only on the so-called Tourist Cards - allowing multiple passages on any route, with the possibility to change to other vehicles, within the time specified on the ticket counted from the time of validation, within the Full Ticket Zone (1 + 2), the tourist ticket is proof of the fee paid only during the passage.