Witamy na stronie Zarządu Dróg i Transportu Miejskiego w Lublinie

Privacy policy

ZDiTM in Lublin > Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Below, you will find information on the rules of collecting and utilising information on the users of the Public Transport Authority website.

"Cookies" are small text files sent to and stored on the user’s computer, smartphone or other device used to access the website. These files are useful because they enable the recognition of the user’s device and adequately display them on the website.

Only the necessary information
ZTM collects only the information necessary for developing website statistics which will enable us to gather information on the most frequently read content, analyse user behaviour and improve the website. The data include, for instance, the IP address, domain name, browser type, OS type, screen resolution, etc. The information is collected automatically.

How do we use the data?
The details of the website users will on no account be made available, transferred or sold to any entities or third persons. Any data can be provided only at the request of state authorities due to proceedings conducted by them.

Personal details
In some section of the website, users can be required to provide their personal details. In each case, the details are provided voluntarily and used according to their purpose.

ZTM Newsletter subscription

In order to sing up for the ZTM Newsletter, the user must provide their e-mail address. The address will be used only for the purpose of sending the Newsletter. Information on personal details processing due to the Newsletter subscription can be viewed when adding the e-mail address to the list of subscribers.

Using cookies
To ensure the safety and high standard of services provided to the customers, the website uses cookies. These are stored on your device. By continuing to browse or use this site, you give consent for such cookies to be used.

In order to improve the browsing experience for the users of ztm.lublin.eu, the website may sometimes use cookies. These are items of information collected by the Internet browser and stored on the user’s hard disc, and are used for identifying the browser that you use to access our website. Cookies do not contain any personal details.

Website users can voluntarily change the settings of the Internet browser related to the use of cookies, and also disable the cookies. All information on the use of cookies and the options of changing the settings are included in the Internet browser settings. Disabling cookies may result in losing the ability to use the solutions available on the website, including a change of the settings.

Privacy policy changes
The Public Transport Authority reserves the right to change the above privacy policy by publishing a new policy on the website. Changes can be made anytime and the users do not have to be notified.

Website administrator: the Public Transport Authority in Lublin, ul. Nałęczowska 14, 20-701 Lublin.
In the case of any questions on privacy protection and the treatment of personal details, please contact us using the following e-mail address: bok@ztm.lublin.eu.