Witamy na stronie Zarządu Dróg i Transportu Miejskiego w Lublinie

About ZTM in Lublin

ZDiTM in Lublin > About ZTM in Lublin

About the Urban Transport Board in Lublin

The Public Transport Authority (ZTM) in Lublin was established on 1 January 2009, by way of Resolution of the City Council No. 496/XXVI/2008 of 27 November 2008. ZTM in Lublin deals with organising and managing public transport in Lublin.

The basic tasks of ZTM include:

1) Planning the transport network intended for the provision of services with the use of trolleybus and bus lines;
2) Specifying the detailed scope of orders for transport services;
3) Planning the network of trolleybus and bus lines to meet residents’ transport-related needs;
4) Adjusting the timetables of particular lines to the specific transport-related needs;
5) Selecting carriers and concluding agreements with them;
6) Inspecting the performance of transport services, with particular focus on their quality;
7) Making settlements with the carriers for the transport services provided according to contractual provisions;
8) Considering complaints and suggestions and providing information on public transport;
9) Taking actions to ensure the safety standards of passenger transport;
10) Taking initiatives for traffic management in order to deliver the public transport priorities;
11) Taking environmental protection measures;
12) Participating in work on city transport policy projects and transport development plans, and also participating in the implementation of such policy;
13) Analysing the fare policy and presenting proposals for rationalising the policy;
14) Organising the distribution and sales of tickets and arranging ticket inspection;
15) Organising the maintenance of bus stops and a passenger information system;
16) Carrying out tasks associated with the issuing of permits for regular passenger transport and regular special transport of passengers within the national road traffic on public transport lines within the city borders and the neighbouring districts;
17) Inspecting the performance of transport in accordance with the relevant permit, in cooperation with the Main Road Transport Inspection, the Police, the Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship, and the District Governor’s Office in Lublin and Świdnik;
18) Carrying out analyses of the market in terms of regular passenger transport within road traffic within the city borders and the neighbouring districts on the basis of the existing transport services, and tailoring them to the needs of society;
19) Arranging for the issuing or amendment of the permit for the provision for passenger transport services on lines exceeding the area of Lublin, but within the Voivodeship borders;
20) Arranging with the carriers the rules of using bus stops located within the borders of Lublin.

Legal basis: Resolution of the City Council No. 496/XXVI/2008 of 27 November 2008 amended by Resolution of the City Council No. 571/XXVII/2008 of 18 December 2008.