Witamy na stronie Zarządu Dróg i Transportu Miejskiego w Lublinie

Study visit of the Chisinau City Hall representatives as part of the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project

The purpose of the City of Chisinau representatives visit to Lublin is to become acquainted with good European practices in the field of public transport management.

On July 17-22, 2022, representatives of the Chisinau City Hall participated in a study visit supplemented with a training programme. Its aim was to learn the methods of effective management of urban public transport, used by the Lublin local government. The host of the visit was the Lublin City Hall and the Public Transport Authority in Lublin. The visit was organized as part of the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project - an initiative for the sustainable development of public transport in Chisinau, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Chisinau City Hall.

“The city of Lublin has been constantly developing collective transport for nearly 70 years. Currently, it is focused primarily on electromobility and ecology. The solutions, we implement, have a real impact on a constatly improving public transport operating in Lublin. I am glad that the competences and knowledge in this field that we have acquired over the years will support the City of Chisinau in the process of developing public transport. The "MOVE IT like Lublin" project is an opportunity for both Chisinau and Lublin to gain new, valuable experience in an international project, but also a great opportunity to promote our city and Lublin's solutions regarding public transport abroad - says Krzysztof Żuk, Mayor City of Lublin.

During their stay in Lublin, representatives of the City Hall and the General Directorate of Urban Transport and Roads in Chisinau got acquainted with, among others, the principles of public transport schedule, IT systems in operating public transport, implemented investments regarding public transport, as well as the principles of arranging the P&R car park system in Lublin. At the same time, the participants were presented with the modern Lubika electronic ticket system, offering passengers friendly, non-contact payment methods for public transport travel using contactless payments and a mobile application, as well as the Lubika online store.

The guests from Chisinau got acquainted with the methods of shaping the tariff policy in Lublin for public transport. They also visited the Traffic Control Centre in Lublin and the Municipal Transport Company.

“We are glad that we have the opportunity to take over the experience of the local authorities of Lublin, due to the EU project "MOVE IT like Lublin". Certainly, this first study visit will allow us to learn the best practices of urban public transport system upgrade. We will later implement them in Chisinau, starting with the implementation of transport policies and strategies, and ending with the expansion of bus lanes and founding a traffic monitoring centre" said Ilie Ceban , Deputy Mayor of Chisinau.

The "MOVE IT like Lublin" project, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Chisinau City Hall in partnership with the Lublin City Hall, aims to modernize and improve the public transport system by using the best European practices, as well as by strengthening the institutional capacity of local authorities in Chisinau . The beneficiaries of the project are all residents and visitors of Chisinau, especially those who use the city's public transport system.


