Witamy na stronie Zarządu Dróg i Transportu Miejskiego w Lublinie

Municipal entitlements







Children from birth until 30 September in the calendar year in which they turn 7 years old.

A document confirming the child's age, e.g. a child's health record, passport or guardian's declaration.


Pupils of state primary schools run by the Lublin Municipality and pupils of state and non-state primary schools run by natural or legal persons other than a local government unit and artistic schools which pursue the core curriculum of general education for primary schools.

A valid school ID of a student of an elementary or art school operating in the Municipality of Lublin, issued according to the sample specified by the competent Minister of National Education or the Minister of Culture.


Pupils residing in the territory of the Lublin Municipality: attending state primary schools and state and non-state primary schools run by natural or legal persons other than a local government unit, as well as artistic schools which pursue the core curriculum of general education for primary schools.

A valid school ID of a primary or art school student residing in the Municipality of Lublin, issued according to the sample specified by the competent Minister of National Education or the competent Minister of Culture.


Children and adolescents with diagnosed disabilities, no longer than up to the age of 16.

a) a valid pre-school or school ID card according to the sample specified by the competent Minister of Education or the Minister of Culture, issued by an educational institution for pupils with diagnosed disabilities,

b) a decision of the disability assessment team or a valid ID card issued by a competent authority, documenting the disability in accordance with the sample specified by the Minister competent for social security.


Children and adolescents who are disabled from 16 to 26 years of age with a severe, moderate or mild degree of disability, with a certificate of inability to live independently, total or partial incapacity for work, when travelling from their place of residence to an educational institution, therapy centre, rehabilitation centre, support centre and occupational therapy workshops and back.

a) valid school ID according to the sample specified by the competent Minister of Education or the Minister of Culture *, issued by an educational institution for pupils with diagnosed disabilities

b) registered with the Public Transport Authority in Lublin, upon presentation of a document confirming the disability, a certificate for a disabled person issued by a therapy center, rehabilitation center, support center and occupational therapy workshop, according to the sample established by the ZTM in Lublin. The certificate is valid for the period indicated by the document issuer, but not longer than 1 year from the beginnig of the classes.


A carer accompanying persons with disabilities specified in points 4 and 5 (excluding persons with a recognised mild degree of disability, partial incapacity for work, group III disability), who is entitled to this right also without being accompanied by persons specified in points 4 and 5 (i.e. after the charge has been taken back or on the way to pick him/her up) only on the following routes: place of residence of the disabled person - educational institution, therapy centre, rehabilitation centre, support centre and occupational therapy workshop. The same right is also granted to carers accompanying disabled persons who are over 26 years of age (excluding persons with a certificate of a mild degree of disability, partial disability, group III disability).

a) a certificate issued by the educational institution for the guardian of the student with the formula: MI-1/2002

b) registered with the Public Transport Authority in Lublin, upon presentation of a document confirming the ward's disability, a certificate for the guardian of the disabled person issued by the therapy center, rehabilitation center, support center and occupational therapy workshop, according to the sample established by the ZTM in Lublin. The certificate issued in

1 copy is valid for the period indicated by the document issuer, but not longer than 1 year from the date of the beginning of the classes.


People over 65 years of age.

Document confirming the age and identity of the person.


People with a severe degree of disability, i.e. completely incapable of work and independent living (formerly group I disability) with a carer accompanying them in the vehicle.

A document confirming a significant degree of disability or total incapacity for work and independent existence, together with an identity document, e.g. a certificate or an extract from the contents of the medical commission for disability and employment, a card with an entry on the degree of disability.


Persons awarded with the Golden Honorary Badge of Merit for the City of Lublin.

The City of Lublin ID card of Merit.


Visually impaired persons with a moderate degree of disability (formerly group II disability).

ID card of the Polish Blind Association or a document confirming this type of disability, e.g. an ID card with the degree of disability entered, or a certificate with an indicated symbol of disability issued by the competent team for adjudication of disability.


Distinguished Honorary Blood Donors: - a woman who has donated at least 15 litres of blood, - a man who has donated at least 18 litres of blood.

ID card of the Honored Blood Donor with an identity document.


Meritorious Transplant Donors

ID card of a Honored Transplant Donor along with an identity document.


Police officers while on duty.

ID card issued by the ZTM in Lublin.


Uniformed officers of the Municipal Police while on duty.



Soldiers of the Military Police while on duty.

ID card issued by the ZTM in Lublin.


Employees of ZTM in Lublin while on duty.

ZTM official ID card in Lublin.


Employees of MPK Lublin Sp. z o.o., while travelling by MPK means, employed on the basis of an employment contract.

The official MTC Lublin LLC ID card.


Passengers of all transport lines on the day of the European Car Free Day.

Valid registration card (entitles one person to travel).


Persons who have acquired the status of an anti-communist opposition activist or a person repressed for political reasons, as understood in the Act of 20 March 2015 on Anti-Communist Opposition Activists and Persons Repressed for Political Reasons (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 319, as amended)

ID card of an anti-communist opposition activist or a person repressed for political reasons issued by the Office for Veterans and Victims of Oppression with an appropriate entry confirming the status of the person as: "anti-communist opposition activist" or "person repressed for political reasons" or "anti-communist opposition activist"

and the repressed person

for political reasons. "


Persons who provided work after 1956 for political organisations and trade unions, illegal as understood in the legislation in force until April 1989, and persons who did not perform work in the period before 4 June 1989 as a result of political repression.

Decision of the Head of the Office for Veterans and Victims of Oppression based on the Act of 17 December 1998 on Old-Age and Disability Pensions from the Social Insurance Fund. (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1383, as amended).


Veterans and aggrieved veterans.

Veteran ID card or Veteran ID card of the victim according to the sample specified by the competent Minister of National Defense, the competent Minister of Internal Affairs or the Prime Minister.
